Please see the following steps to get started with a Tzunami Deployer evaluation for Confluence.
Install Confluence Exporter:
Connecting to Confluence server using Tzunami Confluence Exporter, you will need to enable Remote APIs from the Confluence Administration Console.
Confluence Exporter requires credentials of a member from Confluence-Administrator Groups.
More information on Tzunami Confluence Exporter can be found here.
Confluence Exporter can be installed on any desired machine.
Install Tzunami Deployer:
More informantion on Tzunami Deployer installation can be found here.
Install Tzunami Deployer Components:
The Components are:
- Deployer Licensing Service
- Deployer Link Resolver Service
- Deployer Remote Service
The Components must be installed on the target SharePoint Server.
Connecting into an On-Premise SharePoint requires credentials of a Farm Administrators member
If you are migrating into SharePoint Online or Office 365, make sure you have the following components installed as well:
- Microsoft Online Service Sign-in Assistant (Required for connecting to Microsoft Azure)
- Microsoft Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell (Required for connecting to Microsoft Azure)
Connecting into SharePoint Online and Office 365 requires a Site Collection Administrator credentials
Run the Deployer, go to Tools > Update License and copy your unique challenge key.
Click Copy. This copies the Product Serial Code to the clipboard.
Tell us how much data and duration are needed for an evaluation.
Paste the contents of the clipboard into an email and send it to the Tzunami Support Team at [email protected]
For more information on running a new Tzunami Deployer migration from Confluence, please see the following guide.