1 Installing Tzunami Notes Exporter
This chapter contains information about installing Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter. It contains the following topics:
- System Requirements
- Installing Tzunami Notes Exporter
System Requirements
The following requirements must be met in order to use Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter:
Table 1: Hardware Requirements
Components | Minimum Requirements |
Computer and processor | 2GHz Pentium processor or equivalent |
Memory | 2 GB (Minimum); 4GB (Recommended) |
Hard disk | 50Mb (additional space will be required for the Tzunami Deployer projects, which may vary from 10 Mb to 4 GB). |
Supported Operating System | Windows 2000/2003/2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7 |
Supported Architectures | x86 and x64 |
Network | Intranet/Internet access depending on connectivity requirements |
Display | 800 x 600, 256 colors (minimum); 1024 x 768 high color, 32-bit (recommended) |
Microsoft .NET Framework | Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 |
Additional Requirements | Lotus Notes server configured and running |
Installing Tzunami Notes Exporter
You must install Tzunami Notes Exporter on a machine having Lotus Notes client or Domino Server v5 or higher (these can be setup before or after the exporter is installed).
If you are trying to extract local NSF contents using Lotus Notes Client, you must run Lotus Notes Client at least once on the machine after its installation. If you are trying to extract contents of NSF from the Domino Server using a machine on which Lotus Notes Client is installed, the Lotus Notes Client’s Domino settings must be configured to allow accessing the NSF from client machine. |
To install Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter:
1. Unzip the zip file, and run Tzunami Notes Exporter Tool Setup.msi. The Tzunami Notes Exporter setup wizard (Welcome window) will launch. To advance through the install wizard, click Next on the bottom of the window.
Figure 1: Welcome Window
2. In the End-User Licensing Agreement panel, click “I accept the terms in the License Agreement” and click Next to continue installation.
Figure 2: End-User Licensing Agreement
You are advised to read the terms of the license carefully before proceeding with the installation. If you decline the license terms, the installation cannot proceed. |
3. In the Custom Setup panel and do one of the following:
- To accept the default Destination Folder, click Next.
- Click Browse, locate and select a destination folder, click OK, and then click Next.
Figure 3: Custom Setup Window
4. In the Ready to install Tzunami Notes Exporter panel, click Install.
Figure 4: Installing Tzunami Notes Exporter Window
5. In the Completed Tzunami Notes Exporter Setup Wizard, to exit the wizard, click Finish.
Figure 5: Installation Complete Window
When Tzunami Notes Exporter is installed, it comes with a default license that can be used for evaluation purpose only. This license is limited in time and number of operations. |
2 Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter
This chapter contains information about Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter. It contains the following topics:
- Overview
- Exporting from Lotus Notes
- Command-line Export
- Best Practice
Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter enables you to migrate Lotus Notes content into Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Server 2010/SharePoint Foundation 2010 (SPS2010/SPF2010), Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007/Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (MOSS/WSS3.0), or Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003/Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (SPS2003/WSS2.0) using Tzunami Deployer.
To load Lotus Notes content into Tzunami Deployer, you must first extract the content, using Lotus Notes Exporter, into TDX (Tzunami Deployer Export) and STDX (Separate Tzunami Deployer Export) files. You can then load this TDX file into a Deployer project.
| When working with Deployer on several machines, you can run an export on one machine and load the exported data on another. Tzunami Lotus Exporter is an extension module of Tzunami Deployer. You can work with this module independently of Tzunami Deployer. |
Supported Types
With Lotus Notes Exporter users can export Lotus Notes documents as Microsoft InfoPath forms and form templates, SharePoint data items or as documents along with their properties, attachments and embedded objects. For databases constructed from some of the standard templates, the exporter provides suggestions on whether to export as Data Items or as Documents or InfoPath based on the database template. Some of these templates are:
- Doc Library
- Discussion
- Address Book
- Journal
In addition to the structure and items, Lotus Notes Exporter extracts security information. The following permissions are used in the exporter:
- Create Documents
- Delete Documents
- Create Private Agents
- Create Personal Folders Views
- Create Shared Folders Views
- Create Lotus Script Java Agents
- Read Public Documents
- Write Public Documents
- Replicate or Copy Documents
Each item is assigned an ACL defining the permissions of the various members according to the roles they were assigned.
The exporter automatically creates default roles that are used during the deployment process. These roles and their respective permissions are based on the default permissions provided by Lotus Notes. |
The roles include:
Roles | Definition |
No Access | No permissions |
Reader | Read Public Documents, Write Public Documents, Replicate or Copy Documents |
Editor | Create Documents, Read Public Documents, Write Public Documents, Replicate or Copy Documents |
Designer | Create Documents, Read Public Documents, Write Public Documents, Replicate or Copy Documents, Create Private Agents, Create Personal Folders Views, Create Shared Folders Views |
Manager | Create Documents, Read Public Documents, Write Public Documents, Replicate or Copy Documents, Create Private Agents, Create Personal Folders Views, Create Shared Folders Views, Create Lotus Script Java Agents |
Highest | Create Documents, Delete Documents, Read Public Documents, Write Public Documents, Replicate or Copy Documents, Create Private Agents, Create Personal Folders Views, Create Shared Folders Views, Create Lotus Script Java Agents |
Exporting from Lotus Notes
The Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter enables you to export Lotus Notes contents to a TDX file.
When exporting, keep the following in mind: Export in small chunks: When exporting from your source system, perform the export in small chunks of about 40K-50K files each that have a common business logic or some other logic. Extraction of huge number of items: If the number of items to be extracted is greater than 5K, the exporter will extract the items into separate folders each containing 5K items. Ensure consistency: Make sure that the content of the different exports do not overlap and that, while exporting, no changes are made to the source data. |
To export to a TDX file:
1. In Tzunami Deployer, right-click in the Lotus Notes tab source store area and select Export Lotus Notes to TDX.
Click Start > All Programs > Tzunami > Tzunami Notes Exporter.
The Welcome screen of the Export Wizard appears.
2. Click Next.
The Lotus Notes Configurations screen appears for entering export settings. The screen includes five tabs: General, Forms, Advanced, InfoPath andRedirection.
3. Click the General tab and enter general information.
Figure 6: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen – General Tab
Table 2: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen, General Tab – Description of Fields
Field | Description | ||
Notes Database | Click Browse to select a Lotus Notes NSF files or Domino database (Figure 7). To select Lotus Notes NSF files from location other than Lotus Notes data directory, click Browse at the bottom of Select Database window. The exporter will automatically detect the template of the database that you selected and might suggest appropriate export settings for the template. If you wish to configure the export options automatically, click Yes to the message ‘Do you want to automatically set the appropriate export options for this database?’ Click No to make your own selection. You can change the export options anytime before beginning the export. | ||
Extract system properties | Check this option if you wish to extract the system properties in the selected database (usually, system property names begin with a ’$’ sign). | ||
Extract as data item | If you select to extract as data items, each Notes document is extracted as a data item. The document properties and each field in the document will appear as metadata of the data item after deployment in SharePoint. Rich text fields will have two corresponding metadata <RTFfieldname>.Html and<RTFfieldname>.txt which will represent the HTML and text equivalent of the field. Attachments of the Notes document will be extracted as attachments of the corresponding data item. In addition, the inline images (if any) in the Notes document will also appear as data item attachments and will be rendered by SharePoint to display in their correct position.
| ||
Extract as document | If you select this option, each Notes document is extracted as a document. The Notes Document properties will appear as metadata in the exported document. The attachments and embedded objects in the Notes document will either be extracted as embedded objects in the final document or will be extracted as separate documents based on whether you checked “Save attachments as separate files” checkbox or not. See below for details. To configure advanced document export settings, click Advanced button (Table 3).
| ||
Save attachments as separate files | Check this option if you wish to extract Notes Document attachments into files separated from the containing document. If this option is checked, the attachments will be deployed as separate documents in SharePoint, having no relation with the parent document. It is suggested not to extract attachments into separate files unless there is an explicit need to do so (For e.g., you may want to use this option in cases where your Notes document is used as a container to a number of unrelated files and objects. If this option is not checked, the attachments will be extracted as embedded objects inside the containing document. | ||
Extract as InfoPath document | Check this option if you wish to extract Notes forms and documents into InfoPath form templates and forms respectively.
| ||
Extract documents with no form | Check this option to extract Notes Document without a form. If this option is selected, Notes Documents without a form will be extracted as data item irrespective of whether you selected to extract as document or data item through the two check boxes explained above. | ||
Extract views as folders | Check this option if you wish the Notes views to be extracted as folders.
| ||
Extract hidden | Check this option to extract hidden views/folders inside the Notes database. Hidden views/folders will be extracted as folders and will have ‘IsHidden’ metadata set for distinction later. | ||
Extract private | Check this option to extract private views/folders inside the Notes database. Private views/folders will be extracted as folders and will have ‘IsPrivate’ metadata set for distinction later. |
In Lotus Notes, there are some documents that don’t have an associated form. One such example is Notes mail messages. Therefore, it is always recommended to select ‘Extract documents with no form’ option to make sure that documents without forms are not missed out during extraction. When this option is selected, although you can continue with extraction without selecting any form in Forms tab, making individual form selection will ensure complete document extraction. You cannot continue with export if you have neither chosen ‘Extract documents with no form’ option nor made any selection in Forms tab. If you are running the exporter on the machine having Domino Server, while selecting the NSF to export, you may sometimes get an error message saying ‘This database cannot be opened because a consistency check of it is needed’. In this case, open the selected NSF using Domino Server once before trying to export it. |
Figure 7: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen – Select Database
Figure 8: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen – Advanced Document Export Configuration
Table 3: Advanced Document Export Configuration Window
Field | Description |
Extract Note as a document | Check this option to extract entire Note document as a document. This option is the default behavior when selecting the “Extract as document” option explained in the table above except that you can choose the destination file type. |
Extract each Rich Text field as a document | Check this option to extract each rich text field present in a Notes document as a separate document. The metadata of the exported documents will have all the Notes document properties excluding the Rich Text fields. If there are no rich text fields in the selected database, this option is disabled. |
Extract <selected rich text field> as a document. | Check this option to extract the selected rich text field as a separate document. You will need to select a rich text field from the drop down for this option. The metadata of the exported document will have all the Notes document properties excluding the Rich Text field selected. If the selected field is not found in a Notes document, it will not be exported. This options is disabled if:
Show/use system properties | When this option is checked, system rich text fields are listed in the drop down list above it. |
Extract as <file format> | Choose either to extract document as DOC or DOCX files. Select DOCX option for better performance. |
4. Click the Forms tab to specify the forms for which the Notes documents are to be extracted.
Figure 9: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen – Forms
Table 4: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen, Forms tab – Description of Fields
Field | Description |
Select All | Click this button to select all the listed forms. If a form is selected, all the Notes documents that have this form as default form will be extracted. You can make individual form selection to export documents of your choice. |
Select None | Click this button to deselect all the listed forms. |
Reverse selection | Click this button to deselect all the forms you selected, and select all the forms you did not select. |
Select Fields to use as file name/name for a form. | Each form has its respective fields listed in a dropdown. Select which field of the form should be used as the file name (in case of document extraction), or as the name (in case of data item extraction) of the extracted item. The exporter will make some default suggestions for the field name. |
5. Click the Advanced tab to enter advanced export information.
Figure 10: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen – Advanced
Table 5: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen, Advanced tab – Description of Fields
Field | Description |
Versions |
Export versions | Check this option if you wish to export Notes documents with versioning relationships maintained. If you do not check this option, the exporter will extract all the documents as independent documents without any versioning relationship between them. You can enter the number of versions you would like to export for each document. Setting this value to zero, or leaving it empty will export all versions. |
Rendering |
Extract pass-through HTML | Check this option if you wish to extract ‘Pass-Thru HTML’ text as a part of the output. If there is a normal text between ‘Pass-Thru HTML’ it is extracted normally. ‘Pass-Thru HTMLs’ are design HTML codes in Notes documents/forms which are rendered by the browser during display. They usually do not represent the actual document contents. |
Use Form hidden flag for field (Override the settings of field 'Previewed for reading' and 'Opened for reading' of Document by its Form) | Check this option if you wish to override the settings of field 'Previewed for reading' and 'Opened for reading' of Document by its Form |
6. Click the InfoPath tab for configuring the advanced options if you wish to extract Notes contents into InfoPath contents. In order to configure these options, you will need to first select the option ‘Extract as InfoPath document’ in the General tab.
Figure 11: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen – InfoPath
Table 6: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen, InfoPath – Description of Fields
Field | Description | ||
Computed Field
| Computed fields are used to automatically enter data, such as the author's name or the date, in a field. These fields require formulas to supply their values. | ||
| Select ‘Do not export’ option if you do not wish to extract the computed fields on Notes form to the InfoPath form template. | ||
| Select ‘Export as hidden’ option if you wish to extract the computed fields on Notes form to be hidden from the user view in form-fill mode, and visible only in the InfoPath designer mode on the exported form template. In this mode, the formula for the computed field is preserved in the screen-tip of the corresponding hidden control. | ||
| Select ‘Export with formula in screen-tip’ option if you wish to extract the computed fields on Notes form to display in the screen-tip of the corresponding control in the exported InfoPath form template. | ||
Fields hidden by formula
| Fields hidden by formula are those fields that have an associated formula which is calculated run-time to decide if the field is to be hidden under the given conditions. The options to handle these fields are similar to that of computed fields as explained above. | ||
Display |
| ||
Rich text fields | Enter width and height (in inches) in order to change default rich text field size on the exported InfoPath form template.
| ||
Other controls | Enter the width (in inches) in order to change the default size of the controls other than rich text fields such as text box.
7. Tzunami Lotus Notes Exporter supports redirection of Notes DocLinks to target documents in the SharePoint or Domino Web Server based on the best target location. Click the Redirection tab to configure URL redirection parameters for Notes DocLinks. For more details on DocLink redirection, please refer to Tzunami URL Redirector Administration Guide.
Figure 12: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen – Redirection
Table 7: Lotus Notes Configurations Screen, Redirection tab – Description of Fields
Field | Description | ||
Enable URL Redirection | Check this option to enable redirection of Notes DocLinks to target SharePoint document. If this option is checked Notes document links preceded with Notes:/// will be formatted to HTTP links. | ||
Redirector Server Name | This parameter must be supplied if you wish to enable URL redirection. This represents the host name of the machine hosting Tzunami URL Redirector tool.
Tzunami Notes URL Redirector tool is needed for providing conditional redirection of a Notes DocLinks to the best location of the target.
8. Click Next. The Folders screen appears
Figure 13: Folder Selection Screen
9. Navigate the Lotus Notes folders and select the folders to export. If you opted to export hidden views as folders, you can see them inside the folder named ‘Hidden folders’.
You can automatically select all subfolders of a selected folder by checking ‘Automatically select subfolders’. In Lotus Notes the same item may appear under different views. While exporting views as folders, rather than selecting the root folder and automatically selecting all subfolders, you should carefully choose specific folders to export, thus significantly reducing the export time and prevent item duplicity in different folders. It is a best practice to choose specific folders to export rather than selecting the root folder and exporting the entire hierarchy. |
10. Click Next. The Filter screen appears.