This chapter contains information about installing Tzunami Confluence Exporter. It contains the following topics:

System Requirements

Permission Requirements

Installing Tzunami Confluence Exporter


System Requirements

The following table lists the system requirements for Tzunami Deployer Confluence Exporter Version 2.8.


Permission Requirements

Connecting Confluence Server

For connecting to Confluence server using Tzunami Confluence Exporter, you need to enable the Remote APIs from the Confluence Administration Console.

To enable Remote API:

1. Go to the Confluence 'Administration Console':

Choose Browse > Confluence Admin . The 'Administrator Access' login screen will be displayed.

Enter your password and click Confirm . You will be temporarily logged into a secure session to access the 'Administration Console'.

2. Select 'General Configuration ' in the left-hand panel.

3. Click 'Edit ' next to 'Feature Settings ’.

4. To enable Remote API, check 'Remote API (XML-RPC & SOAP) '.

5. Click 'Save ' to retain your changes.

You must disable Proxy Settings to avoid communication conflicts between Confluence Server and Tzunami Confluence Exporter. For more information, contact your system administrator.


Installing Tzunami Confluence Exporter

You can install Tzunami Confluence Exporter on any machine from which you can connect to Confluence Application Server.

To install Tzunami Confluence Exporter:

1. Unzip the zip file, and run Tzunami Confluence Exporter Setup.msi. The Tzunami Confluence Exporter setup wizard will launch. To advance through the install wizard, click Next  on the bottom of the window.


2. In the End-User Licensing Agreement panel, click "I accept the terms in the License Agreement"  and click Next  to continue installation.


You are advised to read the terms of the license carefully before proceeding with the installation. If you decline the license terms, the installation will not proceed.

3. In the Custom Setup panel, do one of the following:

To accept the default Destination Folder, click Next .

Click Browse , locate and select a destination folder, click OK,  and then click Next .


4. In the Ready to install Tzunami Confluence Exporter panel, click Install . Confluence Exporter is installed.


5. Click Finish  to exit from the setup wizard.


When Tzunami Confluence Exporter is installed, it comes with a default license that can be used for evaluation purpose only. This license is limited in time and number of operations.



This chapter contains information of Tzunami Confluence Exporter. It contains the following topics:


Exporting from Confluence

Command-line Export

Best Practices



Tzunami Confluence Exporter enables organizations to migrate contents from Confluence to Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint 2010 and 2007 using Tzunami Deployer. Tzunami Confluence Exporter is easy-to-use and convenient way to extract contents from Atlassian Confluence and load contents into Tzunami Deployer.

To load Confluence content into Tzunami Deployer, you must first extract the content, using Tzunami Confluence Exporter, into TDX (Tzunami Deployer Export) and STDX (Separate Tzunami Deployer Export) files. You can then load this TDX file into a Tzunami Deployer project.

When working with Tzunami Deployer on several machines, you can run an export on one machine and load the exported data on another.

Tzunami Confluence Exporter is an extension module of Tzunami Deployer. You can work with this module independent of Tzunami Deployer or from within the Deployer.

Supported Types

The Tzunami Confluence Exporter supports extraction of basically seven categories of contents from Confluence Server:


Personal Spaces


Blogs / News (for confluence 2.x)





In addition to the structure and items, Tzunami Confluence Exporter extracts security information. The following permissions are used in the exporter:





Each item is assigned an ACL defining the permissions of the various members according to the roles they were assigned.

The exporter automatically creates four default roles that are used during the deployment process. The roles include None (No permission), Viewer (Read permission on Comments, Pages and Blogs), Contributor Edit (Add, Edit and Delete permissions on Pages, Blogs, Comments and Attachments), and Admin (change access permissions and owner of Pages).


Exporting from Confluence

The Tzunami Confluence Exporter enables you to export Confluence contents to a TDX file. It has simple user interface and lets you quickly extract contents such as Spaces, Pages, Blogs, Comments, Attachments, Bookmarks etc.

When exporting, keep the following in mind:

Export in small chunks: When exporting from your source system, perform the export in small chunks of about 40K-50K files each that have a common business logic or some other logic.

Ensure consistency: Make sure that the content of the different exports does not overlap and that, while exporting, no changes are made to the source data.

To export to a TDX file:

1. In Tzunami Deployer, right-click in the Confluence tab source store area and select Export Confluence to TDX.

Or Click Start > All Programs > Tzunami > Tzunami Confluence Exporter

The Welcome screen of the Export Wizard appears.

2. Click Next . The Confluence Configurations screen appears with two tabs: General and Advanced

a. General tab

The General  tab allows you to select the item types that you wish to export from Confluence server. Select the item types listed in this section.



b. Advanced tab

The Advanced tab allows you to specify the export options such as security, versions and attachments of bookmarks for confluence.





3. Click Next . The Connection screen appears. You need to provide the required portal credential to connect to the Confluence server. For more information, see Connecting Confluence Server.




4. Click Next . The Folders screen appears. Navigate the Confluence folders and select the folders to export.

1 Due to limitation of Confluence API, Group Permissions cannot be exported.



You can select all subfolders of a selected folder by checking Automatically select subfolders.

5. Click Next . The Filter screen appears.



6. Set up filtering as follows:

a) In the Properties field, select a property.

b) In the Condition field, select a condition from the drop down list and enter or select values in the corresponding field.

c) Click Add Condition . The condition is added to the Filter area, displaying the full filter expression.

You can edit a condition for a property by selecting the property and modifying the condition type or values that are currently assigned to it.

You can remove a condition from a property or all the conditions from all the properties by clicking Clear Condition or Clear All, respectively.

This option works only for Data Items.

If multiple conditions are applied, only items that match all conditions are exported.

7. Click Next . The Destination Folder screen appears.


Specify where to export the files and generated TDX information. Make sure you are saving to a folder with a descriptive name and under a well-organized file system hierarchy. It is recommended to export to a folder that is as close to the root drive as possible.

Click Save  for saving export specification details as an XML file which can be used to run the exporter in command-line mode. See the section ‘Command-line Export’ below for more details.

8. Click Next .

If the export folder already exists, a warning appears, informing you that the destination folder already exists and if you continue all existing information will be deleted.

Clicking OK confirms overwrite and clicking Cancel returns you to the Destination Folder screen to change the destination folder.

An Exporting screen appears with a progress bar and execution report, and the export process begins.


You can save the export report by clicking Save As after export is complete.

You can display only export errors by checking Errors only.

You can check Auto-scroll to display the latest progress messages, as they appear.

9. Click Next . The Export Complete screen appears.

10. Click Done . The Tzunami Confluence Export wizard is closed.

After the extraction process completes successfully, you are prompted to load the exported data into the current Tzunami Deployer project. Clicking ‘Yes’  begins the process of loading the content from the previously exported TDX file into the project. For more information about loading sources, refer to the Tzunami Deployer User Guide .


Command-Line Export

Tzunami Exporter for Confluence provides the ability to run export sessions non-interactively using command line instructions. This allows administrators to plan and schedule long running migration jobs through scripts, batch files and schedulers according to needs and organizational timetables. To run the exporter in batch mode you will need exporter specification file explained in the ‘Choose Destination Folder’ step of the export wizard. The file contains all the export option details including:

Source ECM connectivity information (Server Address, User Name, Password etc.)

Items to export

Destination and Log Folder


Exporter specific options

This file can be edited to suit your needs however the XML schema of the file should not be altered. It is recommended that you generate a sample specifications file in the Destination Folder Screen  selection step of the export wizard and use it as a template to create your own specification file.

Once the specification file is ready, you can run the exporter from command line using command:

TzunamiExporter.exe [-r <ResultFile >] -s <ExportSpecificationsFile >

-r Outputs export results into an XML file [Optional]

-s XML file containing export specifications

Based on your needs you can create number of specification files and use them to run multiple export sessions as batch commands.

You will need to provide absolute path for TzunamiExporter.exe and ExportSpecificationsFile in the command if you are not running the command from the exporter installation directory.

In Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 environment, if UAC (User Access Control) is enabled, Users with low privileges sometimes cannot export ECM contents. To export contents using command line, User must run with elevated or administrative privileges.

To export contents with elevated or administrative privileges, you can run the exporter from command line using command:

RUNAS /trustlevel:"Unrestricted" "<ExporterInstallationDirectory>\TzunamiExporter.exe –s \"<Spec file path>\Specfilename.xml " "

For example: RUNAS /trustlevel:"Unrestricted" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tzunami\Deployer 2.8\Exporters\Confluence\TzunamiExporter.exe -s \"D:\Spec Files\specs1.xml""


Best Practices

Due to the technological differences between Confluence and SharePoint, the following best practices should be taken into consideration:

Migrate folders to their relative list types, based on the items in those folders:


The Confluence Spaces contain the User ACLs. All the child folders and items inherit security from it. If Confluence Spaces is not extracted as a root folder, the selected child folders of Confluence Spaces contain the User ACL and child items inherit security.

To export security, the user must have Confluence Administrator Permissions.



Tzunami Confluence Exporter uses a default license that can be used for evaluation purposes. This license is limited in the number of items that are exported. If the license does not match your evaluating needs, contact [email protected] for an extended license. For this purpose you will need to provide the Product Serial Code, and then enter the License Key you receive back from the Tzunami.

To retrieve the Tzunami Product Serial Code:

1. Select Start > Programs > Tzunami > Tzunami License Update. Tzunami License Update window opens.


 2. Click Copy . This copies the Product Serial Code to the clipboard.

3. Paste the contents of the clipboard into an email and send it to the Tzunami Support Team at [email protected].


To extend the Tzunami license:

1. Select Start > Programs > Tzunami > Tzunami License Update . Tzunami License Update window opens (Figure 13 ).

2. Click Browse  and select the new License Key file received from the Tzunami Support Team.

If an error message appears, contact Tzunami Support Team at [email protected] .


Download a PDF version of this guide at: https://www.tzunami.com/download/ConfluenceExporter-Guide