This chapter explains how to model target SharePoint and deploy the source content. This chapter contains the following topics:

  • Modeling SharePoint Target
  • Deploying Source Data for Migration
  • Committing the Migration


Modeling SharePoint Targets

Tzunami Deployer enables you to model your target SharePoint, into which the source content will eventually be migrated. You can model:

  • Structure – Create or modify site collections, sites, portal areas (SPS2003 only), libraries, lists and folders. For more information, see Modeling SharePoint Structureon page 4-35.
  • Metadata – Design the property sets and properties that comprise the columns of the target SharePoint lists. For more information, see Modeling SharePoint Metadata Service on page 4-41.
  • Security and Permissions – Create or modify groups and permissions levels, add users and assign permissions. For more information, see Viewing Security Information on page 4-47.

If you are satisfied with your existing target SharePoint structure and do not wish to make any modifications to it, you can skip this section and proceed to the deploying step. For more information about deploying, see Deploying Source Data for Migration on page 4-59.

After loading a target SharePoint, you can model your target SharePoint.


Modeling a SharePoint target does not actually modify your server. All changes are made in your Tzunami Deployer project and are only applied to the target SharePoint when you commit them. For more information about committing, see Committing the Migration on page 4-84.


Modeling SharePoint Structure

Tzunami Deployer enables you to use its simple and intuitive interface to create, delete, or modify items in the target SharePoint structure. SharePoint 2007/2010/2013 or Office 365 supports creating folders under lists. SharePoint 2003 only supports creating folders under libraries. Tzunami Deployer also enables you to edit the properties of existing SharePoint items. For more information, see Editing Properties of SharePoint Item on page 4-38. You can right-click the following items and select an action from the context sensitive menu:

  • Sites
  • Portal Areas
  • Lists
  • Folders
  • Items

You can also rename an item by selecting it and pressing F2. SharePoint imposes some character and length limitations on item names. For more information, seeFolder and File Naming Considerations on page I or refer to your SharePoint documentation. Tzunami Deployer may rename folders or documents by replacing invalid characters with an underscore (_).

These procedures are similar to the procedures used in the native SharePoint environment. Any SharePoint item can be deleted, except for virtual servers and some built-in lists.


The icons of newly created items in Tzunami Deployer are displayed with a star ( ) overlay. Similarly, the icons of modified items in Tzunami Deployer are displayed with a pencil ( ) overlay. The overlays signify that the particular item exists or is modified in the Tzunami Deployer project only, and not in SharePoint.For example:

 – Existing unmodified document library.

 – Existing modified document library.

 – New document library.

The overlays are removed after the changes are committed.


Creating a New Site

Tzunami Deployer allows you to create new sites on the target SharePoint Structure. New site can be added as a site collection, if created under the virtual server or a web application, or as a sub-site, if created under another site, from the templates (like Blogs, My Sites, Team Sites, Meeting Workspaces etc.) and according to the location you selected in the target SharePoint.

To create a SharePoint site in Tzunami Deployer:

1. Right-click the location in the target SharePoint in which to create the new site and select New > Site. The New WSS Site window appears.


Figure 24: New WSS Site Window


When you create a site collection, the Owner field is enabled (since only site collections have owners) and the Use unique permissions checkbox is disabled (since site collections always have unique permissions – they cannot inherit permissions from their parent, for they do not have a parent). When you create a sub-site, the opposite is true.

2. Enter information describing the URL. A SharePoint site URL is comprised of the following:

  • Server address – The server URL, such as  This value can also be an IP address.
  • Managed path – Typically sites/ or personal/. Additional managed paths can be configured in SharePoint.
  • Hierarchy of site group and parent sites – Relevant for sub-sites only.
  • Site name – For a site collection, enter a site name and select the managed path from the drop-down list. For any other site, enter the site name.

3. Enter a Title and Description to be used for the new SharePoint site.

4. Select the Site Template to be used. When you select a template, a short description is displayed below it.


For a site collection, enter the owner account.

For sub-sites, select whether the site should use unique permissions. If you do not select Use unique permissions, the site inherits the permissions of its parent site.

 5. Click OK.

The new SharePoint site is added to the target SharePoint tree. The configuration of the new site is determined by the SharePoint site template you selected.

Figure 25: Tzunami Deployer Project Window – Target SharePoint Site


Creating a New List in a SharePoint Site

Tzunami Deployer allows you to create new lists on the target SharePoint Structure. New list can be created in a site or portal area from the templates in the target SharePoint.

To create a new list in a SharePoint site:

1. Right-click a site or portal area and select New > List. The New SharePoint List window appears.


Figure 26: New WSS List Window

2. From the Template drop-down list, select the list template you want to use (For e.g. Document Library).

3. Enter a name and description for the new library and click OK.

The new library is created.


You can select Display list on the Quick Launch for quick launch display. You can also select Specify relative URL, and specify the URL of the list. This is not a SharePoint option.


Editing Properties of SharePoint Item

Different types of items have different properties and settings that can be edited, as follows:

  • Sites that are created in Tzunami Deployer and have not yet been committed to the target SharePoint can be edited using the Edit Site option. Properties of all sites can be viewed using the Properties window. The URL, language, and template of the site cannot be edited.
  • Lists, folders, files, and list items can be edited using the Properties window.

The Properties window can remain open while you work in the Project window. It reflects the properties of the currently selected item.

Several items can be simultaneously edited using the Properties window. For more information about the Properties window, see Viewing Item Properties on page 4-56.

 You can edit the properties of new sites till they are committed to the target SharePoint. However, you cannot edit the properties of sites that already exist in SharePoint. Such existing sites can only be viewed in the Properties window.

To edit properties of a new site:

  1. Right-click a new site in the target SharePoint tree and select Edit Site. The New WSS Site window appears (Figure 24) with the non-editable fields disabled.
  2. Modify all the enabled properties and click OK. The site’s properties are edited.


Find and Replace File Names

The Find and Replace window is used to make naming corrections to files and folders within Document Libraries.

To correct file and folder names within Document Libraries:

1. Right-click a Document Library in the target SharePoint tree and select Find & Replace. The Find and Replace window is displayed.

Figure 27: Find and Replace Window

2. Type the text you want to find in the Find field.
3. Select the Match Case checkbox for case-sensitive searches.
4. Type the replacing text in the Replace field.
5. Optionally, select the Replace also file extension checkbox to enable Tzunami Deployer to modify file extensions.
6. Click List Items.

A list of files and folders containing the text you entered in the Find field, along with their expected name, and their URL (for reference purposes) appears.

7. Select the files or folders you want to change by selecting their corresponding checkboxes.

Or Click Select All.

Or Click Inverse Selection.

Or Click Select Problematic Items to select items that contain text prohibited by SharePoint in their names (see Checking Deployed Itemson page 4-79).

8. Click Rename Items.

The names are corrected.


You can leave the Replace field empty in order to remove the searched value from all names.

The Select Problematic Items is very useful if you have just deployed content but have yet to commit it, and would like to prevent illegal naming, blocked extensions and long URLs in SharePoint. For example, replacing “Business Intelligence” with “BI” is a good solution for handling long URLs.


Modeling SharePoint Metadata Service

Documents and data items are associated with metadata properties (also referred to as fields or attributes) such as creation date, author, title, keywords, status, and so on.

In SharePoint, the metadata is managed via lists and libraries. Each list or library has its own property set – the collection of properties that is specific to the container.

The Metadata Editor provides you with a centralized authoring environment in which to define the columns of all lists and libraries in the entire target store. Using the Metadata Editor you can create new property sets, duplicate property sets, create new properties, and copy them from one property set to another.


To view the Metadata Editor:

1. Select View > Metadata Editor.

Or Click 

Or Press F9.

The Metadata Editor window appears. The top half of the window displays the property sets of the selected source system. The bottom half displays the property sets of the target SharePoint store.

The Metadata Editor window displays the property sets on the left and the properties of the currently selected property set on the right.


While the cursor hovers over a property set, a hint appears displaying the number of containers that are using the property set.


 Figure 28: Metadata Editor Window


The Metadata Editor only displays one source system’s metadata information at a time. As you navigate between the source systems tabs in the Project window, the displayed metadata changes accordingly.

All source metadata is read-only as well as some of the properties in the target. The icons of these items are displayed with a blue lock ( ) overlay.

2. If you right-click a property set in the left half of the screen and select Show usage, the File Property set window appears, displaying the containers that use the selected property set.

Figure 29: File Property Set Window

3. Select an item and click Go To. Tzunami Deployer displays the selected item in the Project window.

Creating Property Sets

New property sets can be created to define the target SharePoint metadata.

To create a property set:

  1. In the Metadata Editor window (Figure 28), right-click a property set (or an empty area in the properties list on the right) and select New > Document Library Property Set or New > Picture Library Property Set. A new property set is added in rename mode.
  2. Type a logical name for the property set and presses Enter.

You can define new properties for this property set. For more information, see Creating and Editing Properties on page 4-43.


In order to create property sets for other types of lists (e.g. Contacts, Tasks, and so on), you can duplicate an existing property set.

Creating and Editing Properties

You can create a new property or edit the existing properties for the property set.

To create a property:

1. In the Metadata Editor window (Figure 28), right-click a property set.

2. Select New > Property. The Add Property window appears.

Figure 30: Add Property Window

3. Fill in the fields according to the information in the following table and click OK.

The property is added as a new column in the list using this property set.

Table 7: Add Property Window Fields




This is an internal technical name that is not shown in SharePoint. This field is read-only.

Display Name

The name that appears in the list and in SharePoint


A textual description of the property


Select a standard data type:

  • Boolean
  • Date Time
  • Hyperlink
  • Choice
  • Multiple Choices
  • User
  • User Multi
  • Text
  • Note
  • Lookup
  • Lookup Multi
  • Number
  • Currency

Default Value

Specify a default value for this property. The default value must be a legal value, based on the type of the property. For e.g., if the property type is set to Date Time, the default value must be a valid date.


Select this check box to specify that a value must be entered for this property.


Specify the values that appear as choices for this property. You can add a value by entering it in the Choices field and clicking Add.

This option only applies to properties of type Choice and Multiple Choice.

Allow other choices

Select this check box to specify whether values for this property are limited to the supplied list of choices or whether it is permitted to specify other values for the property.

This option only applies to the following property types: Choice and Multiple Choice.

Currency Format

Select the currency to use for this property. The selected currency format must be a legal format on the target SharePoint.

This option only applies to the following property type: Currency.

To edit a property:

  1. In the Metadata Editor window (Figure 28), right-click a custom property set.
  2. Select Edit Property. The Edit Property window appears.

Figure 31: Edit Property Window


Assigning Property Sets

Property sets have underlying types that must match the list to which you assign them, so that a document library property set can only be assigned to a document library and not to a different library (For e.g. an image library) or to a different type of list. A property set cannot be used on more than one list or library. This section is relevant to property sets that are not in use (new or duplicated).


To assign a property set to a list:

1. Drag and drop a property set from the Metadata Editor onto a library or list in the Project window.

Or Right-click the property set and select ‘Assign To...’. The Target Items window appears.


While you drag a property set to a valid location, the cursor changes to a link. If the target location is not valid, either because it is already assigned with the same property set, or because it is of a different type than the property set underlying type, the cursor changes to a ‘not allowed’ symbol ( ).

Created property set can be assigned to list or library. For more information about Creating Property Sets on page 4-43 and Creating and Editing Propertieson page 4-43.


Figure 32: Target Item Window

2. Select a target list to which to assign this property set and click OK.

A confirmation window appears indicating which property set will be assigned to which list.

3. Click Yes.

The Assign Property Set window appears, displaying property mapping information.

Figure 33: Assign Property Set Window – Property Mapping


4. Select a source property (top left) and a corresponding target property set (top right) and click Map. Repeat this step for each property you want to map. For more information about mapping properties, see Mapping Properties on page 4-67.

5. Click Next. The Assign Property Set window displays value mapping information based on the property mapping performed in the previous set.


This step may appear multiple times, based on the property mapping. This step will appear for each Choice / Multi Choice type target property that was mapped and once for all the User type properties. Based on the source values and the general options of Tzunami Deployer, this step may not be displayed.

Figure 34: Assign Property Set Window – Value Mapping

6. Select a source property value (top left) and a corresponding target value (top right) and click Map. Repeat this step for each property value you want to map. For more information about mapping property values, see Mapping Property Values on page 4-72. Check Add all unmapped values as legal target property valuesfor adding unmapped value to target. Similarly Check Remove unmapped target values for removing the unmapped target values.

7. Click Next.

The property set is assigned. Since modifying the property set modifies the columns of the target list and pencil overlay appears on the target location icon (for example  ).


The property set in use by a SharePoint list is displayed in the Properties window. You can navigate directly to the property set by right-clicking the SharePoint item and selecting Edit Property Set.

Viewing Security Information

Security information is part of the content loaded into Tzunami Deployer projects. Several views and reports are available to assist you during the migration process.

View Permissions

Viewing permissions enables you see an item’s users and groups (on the top pane) and the security permissions assigned to each user/group (on the bottom pane).

To view permissions:

  • Right-click an item and select Security > View Permissions.

The View Permissions window is displayed.

Figure 35: View Permissions Window


Edit Roles

Editing roles allows you to add, remove, or edit roles and assign specific permissions to each role. Roles are used during the migration of security settings.

To edit roles:

  • Right-click an item and select Security > Edit Roles.

The Edit Roles window is displayed.

Figure 36: Edit Source Roles Permissions window


If the source system uses the concept of roles, those roles are read from the system and cannot be modified. For systems that do not use roles, Tzunami Deployer generates a default set of roles to facilitate the migration process.


View Users Roles

View User Roles displays users roles report for each item, the security entities that have permissions on the item and their matching role.

To view the Users Roles report:

  • Right-click an item and select Security > View Users Roles.

The Users Roles report is displayed.

Figure 37: Users to Roles Report


View Users Permissions

View Users Permissions displays users permissions report, for each item, the security entities and their permissions.

To view the Users Permissions report:

  • Right-click an item and select Security > View Users Permissions.

The Users Permissions report is displayed.


Figure 38: Users to Permissions Report


Import/Export Role Definitions

Since roles can be modified, it is often useful to have the ability to export and import the roles definitions to a file. The roles can then be imported for use in a different project.

To Import/Export role definitions:

  • Right-click an item and select Security > Import/Export role definitions.

The Import/Export Role Definitions window is displayed.

Figure 39: Import/Export Role Definitions Window


Modeling SharePoint Security and Permissions

SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 Security

Each site collection in SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 has its own list of users and groups. Once you grant certain user permissions on content or sub content of the site collection, the user is added to the site user list. Also, new groups that are created are added as site collection groups.

In SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 content can be secured at all hierarchy levels: site, list, library, folder, or item. Each user is granted permission for the specific content, either directly or by being a member of a site group which has permissions for that content.

Once you create sub content, the default security settings to this sub-content are inherited from the parent content. Using the SharePoint user interface, you can change these default settings and assign unique permissions to the sub-content.

SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 have used the concept of permission-levels, which are permission sets. Each user or group can be assigned with one or more permission-levels. Permission-levels are managed in sites and can be inherited from a parent site.

SharePoint 2003 Security

In SharePoint 2003, site group is used as a role. This means that if you wish to grant a user certain permissions, you add that user as a member of a site group that has those permissions. Each site that breaks inheritance has its own set of groups.

In SharePoint 2003, content can be secured only at the site, list, or library level. A user could be granted site permissions only by being a member of one of the site groups. Also, a user can get explicit permissions on a list or library.


Active Directory groups are represented as SharePoint users.

A SharePoint group cannot contain another SharePoint group. Each group represents a collection of SharePoint users.


Tzunami Deployer enables you to perform the following security and permissions customizations:

  • Create groups
  • Assign permissions to users
  • Modify or delete groups
  • Modify permissions
  • Edit Permission Levels (MOSS only)
  • View the Users Permissions report
  • Import/Export users


Creating Groups

In order to assign permissions to an Active Directory user or group, you must first add the user or group to the site, either directly or as part of a SharePoint group.


To create a group:

1. Right-click a SharePoint site and select Security > Edit Users & Groups. The Manage Security window appears, listing all SharePoint groups ( ) and all Site Collection users ( ).

Figure 40: Manage Security Window

2. Click Create and select Group.


In SharePoint 2003, select User, Site Group, or Cross Site Group.

The Create Group window appears.